Be the Rainbow, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 organization that provides engaging social and educational opportunities for LGBTQIA+ families and our allies in Brevard County, FL.
What does LGBTQIA+ stand for? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersexual, Asexual, and other sexual orientations and gender identities.
Mission: Expand creative, educational, and social opportunities for LGBTQIA+ families and allies in Brevard County, FL that reaches out to our greater community.
Vision: To create change that translates to equality and inclusion where we live by providing a safe place and creative space for the LGBTQIA+ community and our allies.
How does Be the Rainbow support our LGBTQIA+ and ally community in Brevard County?
Hold Be the Rainbow, a week of events, held in historic Cocoa Village
Open mic night – 18+
Show Tunes Singalong night – all ages
Sparkle and Sway the Night Away family dance – all ages
Be the Rainbow day, an annual event – all ages
Offer social and educational opportunities in Brevard County. Examples of social and educational opportunities
Game nights
Social meetups and groups
Movie nights
By championing inclusivity and acceptance, we not only create a more vibrant and compassionate society but also enable LGBTQIA+ individuals and families to lead fulfilling and joyful lives.
Want to know what we plan to do, long-term?
Secure a physical space to offer additional social and educational opportunities and services, including:
- Educational lecture series
- Creative arts classes
- Back-to-school events
- Afterschool programming
- Legal services
- Support groups
Our community’s future is worth the investment.
Let’s create change together!
Have ideas on how we can better serve our LGBTQIA+ and ally community?